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Search questions on our wiki:
- What are the most important advantages and disadvantages of being a remote lawyer? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- Should you write your own terms and conditions and privacy policy or hire a lawyer? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- How would a digital nomad go about enforcing employment or freelance contracts with other digital nomads? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- Do you need to setup a company for every digital business idea you start implementing? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- When is the right time to start declaring your income and business in the United States? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- When is the time to switch from being "self-employed" to "launching a company"? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- What legal difficulties can a digital nomad face while launching his own digital company? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- What kind of legal issues have you personally encountered as a digital nomad? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- What services could one offer as a lawyer digital nomad? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- Why did you choose a remote work-retreat business out of the many kinds of businesses? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Retreats
- What is your favorite place to travel to and why? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Travel
- Best ways to increase your network especially in terms of digital nomads? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Travel
- Do you get sponsors for every event that you manage? by Claudia Fratangeli in category General
- How do you create a community and maintain long-lasting engagement? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Communities
- What are the best digital nomad places in Tuscany? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Retreats
- Which cities in the world have the best digital nomad communities? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Travel
- How is going to a remote retreat with a significant other different from just going? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Retreats
- What are the best e-books for becoming a digital nomad? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Books
- What are the advantages of turning to a remote retreat company as opposed to organising access to a co-working space and accommodation by oneself? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Retreats
- How do you manage on-site communication with clients during retreats: do you hire someone local or do you always fly in? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Retreats
- What locations do you think people are most interested in retreats in? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Retreats
- How scalable is the remote retreat business? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Startups
- How big a business niche do you think there is for remote retreats? by Claudia Fratangeli in category Retreats
- Do you have some technical/business books you recommend to people with their own online business? by Julia Shem in category Books
- What is your most memorable adventure as a digital nomad? by Julia Shem in category Travel
- What's your usual daily work and life schedule? by Julia Shem in category Startups
- Do you believe in focusing on one project or diversifying your risks? by Julia Shem in category Startups
- What's your take on partners/co-founders? Worth it or not? by Julia Shem in category Startups
- How do you assure quality for your customers without doing it yourself? by Julia Shem in category Startups
- At what point should you begin automating the business? by Julia Shem in category Startups
- What do you think are the most effective ways to help out new entrepreneurs who are just starting out? by Julia Shem in category Startups
- If you had to start a remote business from scratch, what would you do? by Julia Shem in category Startups
- How did you start your remote business selling metallic temporary tattoos? by Julia Shem in category Startups
- How many hours do you work per day and how do you combine work with family life? by Jill Stanton in category Remote work
- Which kind of online content marketing should I do? by Jill Stanton in category Marketing
- If you were to do affiliate marketing from scratch, what kinds of products would you pick and where would you advertise them? by Jill Stanton in category Affiliate marketing
- How much does a pair of two generally spend on your monthly travel on average including flights? by Jill Stanton in category Finance
- How do digital nomads save to meet their financial goals while having an unstable income: for example, do they invest their money in stocks or real estate? by Jill Stanton in category Finance
- Where is the best location to start as a digital nomad? by Jill Stanton in category Travel
- Any hidden digital nomad destinations great for workations? by Jill Stanton in category Travel
- For someone who is starting new in the online business space, what advice would you give? Like, what should they be wary of? by Jill Stanton in category Communities
- How do you encourage membership site members to stay? by Jill Stanton in category Communities
- What are the less talked about risks in running an online business? by Jill Stanton in category Startups
- How do you network with other entrepreneurs in your field? by Jill Stanton in category Startups
- At what point in the business do you think one should try to turn it passive? by Jill Stanton in category Startups
- What difficulties did you face in building your business and how did you overcome them? by Jill Stanton in category Startups
- What are your top marketing channels and what insights into those do you have? by Jill Stanton in category Marketing
- How do you think running a Facebook group compares to Slack groups? by Jill Stanton in category Communities
- What best advice do you have for engaging an online community? by Jill Stanton in category Communities
- What are some of your productivity tips? by Natalie Sisson in category Productivity
- What about the worst location to work remotely from so far? by Natalie Sisson in category Travel
- What are your top tips for bringing a group or community closer together? by Natalie Sisson in category Communities
- What has been the best way for you to get leads to your website and as ongoing customers? by Natalie Sisson in category Marketing
- What is the optimum amount of content marketing to produce? by Natalie Sisson in category Marketing
- What is your most cost effective social channel to gain leads? by Natalie Sisson in category Marketing
- How do you grow a business from one person to a full-fledged team? by Natalie Sisson in category Startups
- What's the mindset of any successful entrepreneur? by Natalie Sisson in category Startups
- What makes you happy as a digital nomad, and how do you find time to be happy? by Natalie Sisson in category General
- Which political views does 'freedom' translate into for you? by Natalie Sisson in category Philosophy & politics of digital nomadism
- Where do you start when you're at step 0? by Natalie Sisson in category General
- What service do you use to manage your book order fulfillment? by Natalie Sisson in category Publishing
- How much does it cost to self-publish a book? by Natalie Sisson in category Publishing
- How many hours per day do you spend writing while writing a book? by Natalie Sisson in category Publishing
- Should you write just one book or more? by Natalie Sisson in category Publishing
- How do you get book reviews from high profile writes and entrepreneurs? by Natalie Sisson in category Publishing
- What are the main branding benefits on writing a book? by Natalie Sisson in category Publishing
- How do you market a book on Amazon? by Natalie Sisson in category Publishing
- How would you start over again building a location independent lifestyle? by Patrick Farrell in category Freelancing
- Approximately around how much would one person need per day to do sustainable long term travel? by Patrick Farrell in category Travel
- How many hours do you work per day while traveling as a digital nomad? by Patrick Farrell in category Productivity
- What are you passionate about in terms of helping society? by Patrick Farrell in category Social goals
- What helps you get work done while on the read? by Patrick Farrell in category Productivity
- If you look back at your digital nomad life, would you change anything on your path? by Patrick Farrell in category Travel
- What are your 3 favorite tools on you PC in terms of organisation & productivity? by Patrick Farrell in category Productivity
- You have a lot of interests, so what is your secret of staying productive and not getting overwhelmed by to many projects? by Patrick Farrell in category Startups
- How long do you usually stay in one location as a digital nomad? by Patrick Farrell in category Travel
- How do you go about starting and growing a Facebook community? by Patrick Farrell in category Communities
- How important do you think a personal brand is when starting out? by Patrick Farrell in category Marketing
- Any tips for making the most of the Nomad Cruise? by Patrick Farrell in category Retreats
- Do you think digital nomads would rather start from freelancing or developing own products? by Patrick Farrell in category Freelancing
- How do you find people to interview for your videocast? by Patrick Farrell in category YouTube
- What kind of networking groups and events can you most recommend for digital nomads? by Patrick Farrell in category Retreats
- What is doing the Nomad Cruise like? by Patrick Farrell in category Retreats
- What was it like to scale an e-commerce store in the early two thousands? by Dan Lawrence in category Startups
- What are the biggest business administration tips for scaling your business from $100 to $1,000 a day? by Dan Lawrence in category Startups
- Where do you think digital nomadism is headed in the next 10 to 15 years and do you think this can actually have a real effect on nation states? by Dan Lawrence in category Philosophy & politics of digital nomadism
- Why do you think digital nomads are anarchists by definition? by Dan Lawrence in category Philosophy & politics of digital nomadism
- How do you think tax laws will react as more and more people choose the digital nomad lifestyle? by Dan Lawrence in category Philosophy & politics of digital nomadism
- What was it like for you to become a digital nomad in 2003? by Dan Lawrence in category General
- What is your motivation for traveling? by Dan Lawrence in category Travel
- As a digital nomad since 2003, how did you first start calling yourself one? by Dan Lawrence in category Philosophy & politics of digital nomadism
- What would you recommend to people who can't get their business past a certain size? by Dan Lawrence in category Startups
- What are the advantages of choosing search engine optimization as the main marketing strategy for an e-commerce store? by Dan Lawrence in category Search engine optimization
- Where do you think search engine optimization is headed? by Dan Lawrence in category Search engine optimization
- How has search engine optimization changed since 1998 as compared to 2018? by Dan Lawrence in category Search engine optimization
- What are your preferred tools to manage your time and schedule? by Kristin Wilson in category Productivity
- What are your top recommended productivity apps and plugins? by Kristin Wilson in category Productivity
- How do I look for a remote job? by Kristin Wilson in category Remote work
- Do you think knowing how to code is helpful for running a web business? by Kristin Wilson in category Startups
- What apps do you use to manage your remote relocation business? by Kristin Wilson in category Startups
- What are your tips on building a personal brand? by Kristin Wilson in category Marketing
- Why are you building a personal brand? by Kristin Wilson in category Marketing
- Is relocation a good business for digital nomads? by Kristin Wilson in category Startups
- How many failures did you have on your way to your real estate business, and how did you overcome them? by Kristin Wilson in category Startups
- How did you start your relocation business by Kristin Wilson in category Startups
- Is being a digital nomad compatible with running a relocation business? by Kristin Wilson in category Startups
- What are India's digital nomad events? by Benomad Community in category General
- Which countries were the most difficult to work from during your travels? by Saba Bosuener in category Remote work
- Which tasks from the travel planning process do you think are most effectively delegated to a virtual assistant? by Saba Bosuener in category Travel
- How do you choose travel destinations as a remote worker? by Saba Bosuener in category Travel
- How do you stay productive and focused if you're jet-lagged? by Saba Bosuener in category Productivity
- Is there a corporate ladder system in remote companies that's similar to location-based jobs? by Saba Bosuener in category Remote work
- What are the main differences between working remotely and location-based jobs? by Saba Bosuener in category Remote work
- What are the pros and cons of being an employee rather than a freelancer or entrepreneur? by Saba Bosuener in category Remote work
- How long did it take you to find a remote job? by Saba Bosuener in category Remote work
- Is the application process for a remote working position the same as normal location-based job? by Saba Bosuener in category Remote work
- What are the job sites you looked at to find a remote job? by Saba Bosuener in category Remote work
- How to get into corporate travel planning? by Saba Bosuener in category Freelancing
- Any tips for communicating for a remote team? by Saba Bosuener in category Remote work
- Where do you see the travel planning industry going? by Saba Bosuener in category Travel
- How do you deal with a missed deadline as a freelancer? by Benomad Community in category Freelancing
- How do you market YouTube videos? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- How do you make good YouTube videos? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Facebook ads
- Any tips for choosing effective YouTube video titles? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- How do you write clean code? by Benomad Community in category Software development
- Can you recommend one good programming educator to follow for intermediate-level programmers? by Benomad Community in category Software development
- What single book would you recommend for a wannabe coder starting from scratch? by Benomad Community in category Software development
- Can you give an example of what a successful Instagram ad campaign looks like? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Facebook ads
- How to effectively market with a Messenger bot? by Benomad Community in category Facebook ads
- Where do you see the online legal services industry headed? by Benomad Community in category Languages
- What are crypto collectibles? by Benomad Community in category Finance
- What's a quick-to-use drag-and-drop Wordpress theme? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Blogging
- Can Facebook ads work for comedians? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- What's your favorite country as a surfer digital nomad? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Travel
- When and how did you pick up creating apps for iOS? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Software development
- How did you create a portfolio for your programming projects? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Software development
- How would you stand out with a kiteboard business? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Startups
- How much time do you invest into learning new things good for business and what kind of resources do you usually use? by Lukas Paskauskas in category General
- What kind of related online and offline communities are you a member of? by Lukas Paskauskas in category General
- What business would you be focusing on if you had to start afresh and aim for passive income? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Startups
- What does your startup's structure look like: how many people do you hire and what are their responsibilities? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Marketing
- What would be your step-by-step approach/plan to build a minimum viable product? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Startups
- How do you stay focused when your trying to build something since you have varying fields of expertise? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Productivity
- How did you launch your infographics agency from scratch? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Startups
- What are some books and courses that you took for lean startups? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Startups
- What advice do you have for absolute beginner entrepreneurs? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Startups
- How did you create your first startup? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Startups
- How to build an audience on Instagram? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Instagram
- How did you launch your first business? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Startups
- How do you go about creating online courses from scratch? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Online courses
- What do you show people who visit the landing pages of products or services that don't exist? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Marketing
- What do you think is the most difficult part of selling info products to a cold audience? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Marketing
- Do Instagram hashtags still work? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Instagram
- What is your favorite e-mail marketing tool? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Marketing
- What is your favorite landing page building tool? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Marketing
- Any advice for someone that's starting out in content creation on Instagram? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Instagram
- What is the best thing to market on Instagram? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Instagram
- What is the most important thing when doing a product launch through InstaGram? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Instagram
- How to build an audience on Instagram? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Instagram
- How did you attract big companies to work with you? by Lukas Paskauskas in category Marketing
- How to securely store funds in cryptocurrencies? by Benomad Community in category Finance
- Any advice for solo travelling as a woman? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Travel
- How does USA travel compare with international travel? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Travel
- Why do you travel? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Travel
- What are the best and hardest parts of running your own remote firm? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Startups
- How does a remote attorney go about automating their business? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- Is law a good choice far aspiring digital nomads? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- Where do you see the online legal services industry headed? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- How do you find clients for legal serivces that don't mind that your services are being carried out remotely? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- What types of services within the law sector can be carried out remotely? by Larissa Bodniowycz in category Law
- As a social media marketer, do you have any tips for people trying to sell info products with Facebook ads? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- Do you feel like Facebook ads become more restrictive over the years, and where do you think this space is headed? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- What are the best strategies for Facebook ads marketing? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- What is your worst work experience with a client as a social media marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- What is your favorite client to work with as a social media marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- How do you keep your skills competitive as a social media marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- Do you work solo or in a team as a social media marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Social media
- When is the right time to ask for referrals as a social media marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- What is your client acquisition strategy as a social media marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- Can you make more than 1 million dollars a year as a remote social media marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Remote work
- Where do you get better returns as a social media marketer? Instagram or Facebook? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- What is it like to return home after traveling as a digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Travel
- Do you learn the local language when you travel as a digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Travel
- What is your travel goal as a digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Travel
- As a digital nomad, what do you do about missing important family/friends occasions? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- How to not lose friendships back home while traveling long-term as a digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- How to stay in touch with friends and family as a digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- What would you do if you made your income completely passive as a digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- How to get your first client as an aspiring digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Remote work
- What are some courses for Facebook Ads marketing? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- As a digital nomad, do you like co-working spaces? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Remote work
- How many hours do you work per week as a Facebook marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- As a freelancer, how do you keep clients while increasing fees? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Freelancing
- Do you prefer short-term or long-term clients as a freelancer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Freelancing
- How many clients do you prefer to have at the same time as a freelancer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Freelancing
- As a digital nomad, where do you register your online business? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Remote work
- Is the digital nomad lifestyle popular in Germany? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- What are your favorite travel destinations as a digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Travel
- Who inspired you to become a digital nomad? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- How did you start out in your having stable remote work? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Remote work
- As a digital marketer, what is the best way to create passive income? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- As a digital marketer, do you prefer performance-based commissions or monthly retainer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- How did you become a freelance digital marketer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- What are some of the large trends you see in the industry as a digital marketer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- As a digital marketer, what do you think of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? by Thibault Lemaitre in category General
- Have you tried to learn coding as a digital marketer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- If you did not do digital marketing, what freelance work would you do? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- How do you learn new things as a freelance digital marketer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- Why did you choose digital marketing as a freelancer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- What are the necessary tools for starting in ads as a digital marketer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- As a freelancer, do you think voice will be the next big thing in social media marketing? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- How important is it to put a face instead of a logo/name in social media marketing as a freelancer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- What are your niche/s as a digital marketer? Do you focus on only one niche? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- When starting a new project, where do you get inspiration as a digital marketer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- As a freelancer, do you prefer local or foreign clients? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- As a digital marketer, do you notice huge cultural differences when dealing with foreign clients? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- What is the main value of working with other freelancers? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- How does your freelancing income grow as a digital marketer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- What is your ideal working environment while traveling as a freelancer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- Have you ever spent a day without internet as a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category General
- As a freelancer, how do you charge for your services in another currency? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- What's the usual project timeline of your clients as a freelance digital marketer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Affiliate marketing
- What digital nomad communities are you a part of? by Thibault Lemaitre in category General
- Does the 80/20 principle apply in freelancing? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- As a freelancer, do you constantly get ideas for new services/startups/apps? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Startups
- As a freelancer, how many clients do you work with at the same time? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- As a digital nomad, have you ever been in a dangerous situation while traveling? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- As a digital nomad, what do you think about banks regulating cryptocurrencies? by Thibault Lemaitre in category General
- How do I start freelancing while having a day job? Should I quit my day job? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- Do's and don'ts for a digital nomad or freelancer? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- As a freelancer, do you think knowing more languages would help in getting clients/work? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Languages
- As a digital nomad, what do you think about the idea of living frugally to achieve early retirement? by Thibault Lemaitre in category General
- As a digital nomad, if you had to stop traveling and settle down, what would that place be? by Thibault Lemaitre in category General
- As a freelancer, do you regret doing anything for a client/ job? If you could change it, what would you have done? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- What tools do you use for freelancing? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Productivity
- What are the other tasks that you have to do as a freelancer aside from client work? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- How much money do I need to travel for a year or longer as a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- What was your greatest cultural shock during your travels as a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- How did you choose the destinations during your one year of full-time travel as a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- What are some interesting discoveries you had while traveling as a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- What problems did you have while traveling full-time as a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- As a digital nomad, how do you keep clients if you want to go on a long travel break? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- Do you screen your clients? If so, what is your ideal client? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- What is your most interesting and memorable experience while traveling? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- Did you meet your girlfriend while traveling? If so, how do you build a strong relationship with someone you met on the road if there's always the possibility that both of you might end up having plans that don't necessarily align? by Thibault Lemaitre in category General
- Do you prefer short-term or long-term clients? Why? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- How do you handle work burnouts along the road? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- Would you say that your living expenses now are lower than when you weren't working remotely? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- What is your favorite mode of transportation and why? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- How much do you spend for transportation since you change cities/countries every month? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- What motivated you to travel so fast? (change cities/countries every month as opposed to every 2-3 months) by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- What learning platforms did you use in order to become a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- How did you start your journey? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- How did you find out about becoming a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- You prefer to be a freelancer as opposed to having a full-time remote job. Why is that? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Freelancing
- Did you ever have any issues with clients who didn't think you were able to do a good enough job, because you were traveling? How did you convince them otherwise? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- What are your best customer acquisition channels? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- What are your top 5 best books related to becoming or being a digital nomad? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Books
- Do you ever find it difficult to stay motivated with work while traveling? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- Do you think it's more sustainable to travel as a digital nomad alone or have a girlfriend/boyfriend traveling with you? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- You are very good at connecting with people and making friends. How do you meet new people while traveling? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- Now that you've been based out of Dublin these last 6 months, can you reflect on the ups and downs of life in one location as opposed to traveling? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- Where are your favorite digital nomad destinations? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Travel
- Do you prefer working from home or co-working spaces? Why? by Thibault Lemaitre in category Remote work
- What are some tips on growing a YouTube channel? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- What strategy did you adapt to get 1M views? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- What are some tips on making YouTube titles? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- Does the type of climate you're in affects your productivity? Do you generally prefer hot-climate or cold-climate countries? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Productivity
- Any recommendations to get all the work to be done as efficient as possible? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Productivity
- How do I market myself and make people feel that I am a credible source? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Freelancing
- How do I ask people to give me their money for my services/knowledge? I have never been able to ask for it. People have offered me money and I accept it gladly for my services, but I don't know how to actually ask for it even when I end up doing the service. by Jacob Laukaitis in category Freelancing
- Do you use some kind of light tripod that you carry everywhere? This is how you take those awesome Instagram photos, right? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- What are the steep learning curves you had to go through when you made your first business? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
- How do you know if your business is successful? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Remote work
- Can you give some advice for someone who has absolutely no clue on how to start an online business? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
- Opportunity looks a lot like hard work. What is the hardest part of building a successful business? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
- Do you have a basic structure on finding solutions or you just do it differently in every situation? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Remote work
- How did you start your first online business from scratch like what steps did you take? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
- How can I test out if new business ideas are feasible? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
- What is the hardest part about YouTube? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- How do you choose a specialty when becoming a digital nomad for the first time without regretting it further down the line? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Remote work
- Aside from blockchain technology, what other industries are in demand in the digital nomad community? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Remote work
- Do you prefer to use pre-designed platforms or to code/do-it-yourself? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Productivity
- How do you keep eye contact with the lens of the camera and how to not feel awkward when people stare at you while you vlog? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- If you had to work a non-remote job, what would you prefer to do? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- What is your definition of success? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- When it comes to blogging, is it better to use your own website or a blogging platform like Medium? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Blogging
- When making YouTube videos, do you think that gear matters or is it all about the story? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- How do you go on long motorbike trips to places with no internet without your clients getting mad at you? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Freelancing
- How do you get rid of the fear that people will screw you over when first hiring people in an online business? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
- How do you grow yourself? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- How do you manage your time between work, travels and other things? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Productivity
- How do you decide what to do yourself and what to outsource? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Remote work
- What have been your biggest breakthroughs in finding a more constant flow of prospects and referrals? by Kevin Lew in category Remote work
- What strategies do you use to nurture and retain current clients? by Kevin Lew in category Freelancing
- When starting out as a freelance marketer, what do you deem to be the best lead acquisition platforms/channels apart from freelance websites? by Kevin Lew in category Freelancing
- As a Digital Marketer, do you think it is more advantageous to position yourself as an all-rounder or a specialist? by Kevin Lew in category Freelancing
- What experience inspired you to become a travel writer? by Ella Gordon in category Blogging
- Have you ever been concerned for your safety before travelling to a new place? by Ella Gordon in category Travel
- Before travelling to a new destination, what are your favourite apps to create an itinerary of places you want to see? by Ella Gordon in category Travel
- What are the most surprising aspects that you learned about your own character since you started travelling/leaving your comfort zone? by Ella Gordon in category Travel
- What have been the biggest hurdles so far travelling as a family? by Kierstan Streber in category Travel
- How do you structure your responsibilities between parents when travelling full-time? by Kierstan Streber in category General
- How do you deal with objections from family members and friends? by Kierstan Streber in category General
- What are the factors that motivated you to become nomadic and start travelling? by Kierstan Streber in category Travel
- How do you meet new people, make friends in a new locations when travelling as a family? by Kierstan Streber in category General
- What are family specific considerations that one has to keep in mind when travelling abroad with babies/very young children? by Kierstan Streber in category General
- What were the biggest preparations you had to take care of before deciding to live a nomadic lifestyle as a family? by Kierstan Streber in category General
- How do you deal with taxes as an American citizen when you travel constantly and are not registered in any state? by Meagan Maher in category Freelancing
- What are the ways you meet people when you move to a new city? by Meagan Maher in category Travel
- What are the pros and cons of teaching English online while traveling full-time? by Meagan Maher in category Remote work
- What was the moment in your life that you realized you wanted to go travelling for an extended period of time and what was the first action you took towards that goal? by Shae Pepper in category Travel
- Being on a continuous road trip and spending a lot of time with each other, do you set time apart from each other and what do you do in your own free time for yourself? by Shae Pepper in category Travel
- How do you go about setting budgets for new locations and inform yourself about prices ahead of time? by Shae Pepper in category Travel
- What are considerations to take into account when traveling continuously with pets? by Shae Pepper in category Travel
- What have been the most challenging moments of road tripping for an extended period of time while juggling work projects at the same time? by Shae Pepper in category Freelancing
- What are the best travel reward programs that you make use of frequently in order to cut down your travel costs? by Shae Pepper in category Travel
- Can you remember the first time you came across the term "Digital Nomad" - what was your first impression and what was the factor that sparked you to become one? by Becca Brittain in category Travel
- Considering the new work routine that you have adopted as a self-employed person - what are the changes that you are most appreciative of? by Becca Brittain in category General
- What are your preferred channels to meet like minded entrepreneurs and individuals to draw inspiration from? by Becca Brittain in category Books
- What have been the toughest challenges bootstrapping your own business while starting to travel continuously? How did you overcome these challenges? by Becca Brittain in category General
- What is a surprising professional benefit you have developed from being a digital nomad? by Andrea Valeria in category Remote work
- How do you build a career as a filmmaker/blogger? by Andrea Valeria in category Social media
- What's one skill many digital nomads underestimate? by Andrea Valeria in category General
- How did people, who transitioned to the digital nomad lifestyle, overcome their desire to own materialistic things? by Andrea Valeria in category General
- How do you deal with finances/withdraw money in different places around the world with your main bank account being in your home country? by Andrea Valeria in category General
- How do you keep/maintain your relationships while traveling continuously? by Andrea Valeria in category Travel
- How do you make friends while traveling solo? by Andrea Valeria in category Travel
- How do you structure your time - management? Do you make sure that you set off days where no client will contact you or do you make yourself available each day of the week? by Thalassa van Beek in category Freelancing
- When you negotiate contracts with clients, do you choose a retainer model or do you agree on a fixed % of the sales which were generated by you? Why do you prefer your chosen model over the other? by Thalassa van Beek in category Freelancing
- What strategies do you use to turn potential prospects into clients? by Thalassa van Beek in category Freelancing
- What are your most effective client acquisition channels and how do you create interest in your service offerings? by Thalassa van Beek in category Freelancing
- Where do digital nomads get their medical check-ups done? by Saba Bosuener in category General
- How hard is it to be continuously traveling and know that there will be times when you have to forget about your original plans and adjust your itinerary on the go? by Saba Bosuener in category Travel
- What are the best websites to inform yourself about the situation in a new destination ( cost of living, where to find apartments, security situation etc.)? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Travel
- What are the best strategies to attract initial clients when you are starting out as a digital marketer? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Facebook ads
- What are some downsides of the digital nomad lifestyle? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- What are some great places in Southeast Asia for digital nomads? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category Travel
- What advice would you give to a digital nomad who is just starting his/her journey? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- What is the best global mobile SIM card solution for digital nomads? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- How do digital nomads deal with visas when traveling from place to place? by Leo Kipfelsberger in category General
- I want to become a travelling filmmaker - what are the best courses/resources to get started? by Anthony Knowles in category YouTube
- How do you deal with jet-lags as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- How do you manage duties that you need to undertake in person in your home country (renewing your driver's license, getting a new passport, redeeming the benefits of health insurance, etc.)? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- When you first started thinking about becoming a digital nomad, did you ever think "I can't do it", or "I'm not good enough"? What made you get over those fears/insecurities? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- What are the best apps for digital nomads? by Linas Vastakas in category Productivity
- What are the best websites for digital nomads? by Linas Vastakas in category Productivity
- How do you manage to learn the languages from the countries you travel? by Linas Vastakas in category Languages
- How do you meet other digital nomads while traveling? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- What is the best location to start my journey as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- How much savings do I need to start traveling as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- If I'm starting to blog, at which point do you think is the best moment to start promoting the content? by Ian Chew in category Blogging
- What are the typical problems you find when living as a digital nomad? by Christopher Dodd in category General
- What is the best job for a digital nomad? by Christopher Dodd in category Remote work
- Can you become wealthy as a digital nomad? by Christopher Dodd in category Startups
- What amenities do digital nomads expect from a co-working space in a tourist location? by Christopher Dodd in category Remote work
- What inspired you to become a digital nomad? by Christopher Dodd in category General
- How much do most digital nomads budget for accommodation in South East Asia? We are a couple, who will prefer a private double room. by Christopher Dodd in category Travel
- What motivates people to live nomadic lifestyles? by Christopher Dodd in category General
- I'm in a CS program at a top-10 college. When I graduate in two years, I want to travel indefinitely, while generating a decent income stream with apps and freelance work. How and where can one become a digital nomad? by Christopher Dodd in category Software development
- Which place is better for digital nomads - Ubud, Bali or Chiang Mai, Thailand? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Remote work
- Have you had moments when you actually missed your home while traveling as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- What makes you smile now when you travel? What's your favorite thing during travels? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- Is becoming a digital nomad too competitive to get into right now, are there still many opportunities out there? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- How do you stay motivated when you come across obstacles in a country you're not familiar with? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- What travel advice would you give to someone, who is is planning a long-term trip around the world on safety, money, or anything else? by Adrian Ingram in category Travel
- After a year of being a digital nomad, are you happy with the choice? by Adrian Ingram in category General
- In your experience, what are the most difficult things about working remotely? by Adrian Ingram in category General
- I'm a digital nomad, should I learn the language of the country where I am? by Adrian Ingram in category Languages
- Is it possible to be a digital nomad and have meaningful work and community at the same time? by Adrian Ingram in category General
- What is the best way to make $1,200 per month from home without coding skills? by Adrian Ingram in category General
- Is it possible to be a "digital nomad" while living a life of luxury? Why or why not? by Adrian Ingram in category Travel
- What is the best and easiest way to become a digital nomad? by Adrian Ingram in category General
- What are some challenges that digital nomads face while traveling and working? by Adrian Ingram in category Travel
- How do you spend your day as a digital nomad? What does your typical day look like? by Adrian Ingram in category General
- What places have you lived in as a digital nomad and which one(s) did you like the best? Why? by Christopher Dodd in category Travel
- Why is Chiang Mai so famous with expats and digital nomads? by Christopher Dodd in category Travel
- What kinds of trades could one pick up quickly to provide substantial income while pursuing a location-independent or nomadic lifestyle? by Christopher Dodd in category Freelancing
- Where is the best place to live for a nomadic style IT worker? by Christopher Dodd in category Software development
- How can I realistically reclaim 20-40 hours of free time per week to pursue my dreams and goals-that will not necessarily produce much income in the beginning years -without dramatically sacrificing life comfort or financial security? by Christopher Dodd in category Productivity
- How do you minimize your daily accommodation expenses as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- Who qualifies or doesn't qualify to be called a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- How do people react to you when you tell them you are a digital nomad? Has someone ever said you were doing something useless? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- What camera and other equipment do you use to vlog your digital nomad traveling experiences? by Jacob Laukaitis in category YouTube
- Do you get bored of those beautiful views you see while traveling as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- What are your all time favorite digital nomad books? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Books
- How do you connect to the Internet while traveling as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- I'm worried that as a digital nomad I wouldn't have a stable income and would risk not being able to sustain this lifestyle. Maybe it's better for me to spend some time working for a big company, save money and then travel? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- Where is the most insane place you have ever been as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- What are some important skills that I should learn prior to becoming a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Remote work
- Could you provide some examples of online businesses that are completely automated and generate a passive income every month? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
- I am a 18 year old about to go to college next year. Any advice for starting an online business while in school? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Books
- At the beginning of your digital nomad adventure did you find difficult to be on your own? If yes, how did you overcome it? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- How do you see yourself in 10-15 years from now? Will you still be traveling so actively, or you're thinking of settling down in one place and having a family? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- How do you manage your time between work and trips as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- The start of the digital nomad journey is really tough for me - I'm trying to build something on the side while having a full-time job. However, when I come back home from work I feel so tired I simply can't force myself to work on any new projects. Any advice? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
- What is your number one dream digital nomad destination in the world right now? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- What's the most emotionally and/or psychologically tiring part of the digital nomad lifestyle? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- What's a thing you must have no matter where you go as a digital nomad? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Travel
- Was becoming a digital nomad the best decision you made in your life? Is there anything you wish you had done differently? by Jacob Laukaitis in category General
- What are the top five skills that every digital nomad should have? by Ian Chew in category Remote work
- How do you manage taxes in your location independent business? by Ian Chew in category Accounting
- I'm in my final year of university. I don't want a 9-5 job. What's your advice for soon-to-be graduates who have very little business knowledge and really want to make money while traveling? by Jacob Laukaitis in category Startups
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